5 Things To Consider While Developing A custom Mobile App For Your Business

5 Things To Consider While Developing A custom Mobile App For Your Business

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From past few years, mobile optimization has been the main concern for most businesses. Some have achieved to retarget their customers on mobile through app while some businesses still struggle to improve mobile conversion rate.

For ecommerce sector alone, desktop conversion stands at 1.50% while mobile conversion rate has increased to 4.31% in United States itself. Some businesses are still struggling at creating a mobile app for their business to optimize all type of customers. Some have innovatively stepped into the PWA sector.PWAs help in targeting the customers who want to save themselves the hassle of downloading an app on their mobile phones.

Depending on the target audience, businesses can plan to create a native or progressive web app. If explained in a single sentence, a native app is developed to be installed on a device while a progressive web app is developed for a web browser.

Global market research firm Ipsos conducted a research. The facts and stats you see here onward are their contribution.

We are going to tell you how these facts can help entrepreneurs before they start the process of developing an app. For entrepreneurs struggling to map out vital metrics for their mobile apps, lean canvas could be a great solution. Furthermore, gaining insights into the mobile app market trends can be beneficial for entrepreneurs.

Let’s consider some of the facts that can help in clearing the doubts of the entrepreneur before they plan on creating the mobile app for their business.

5 Things To Consider While Developing A custom Mobile App For Your Business

Fact 1: Apps are usually used for luxurious purposes

66% of all smartphone users use news, gaming, entertainment or sports apps.

(Stat Courtesy: Ipsos)

When you have finally planned on developing an app, check the niche users most prefer to visit. Like the above-mentioned stat, users prefer to use entertaining apps more than any other app. Plan the app according to the target audience, so when maximum target audience prefers luxurious app, creating an app that provides the same will bring in a lot of users to your app.

Fact 2: Apps are equally popular between men and women

51% of app users are male;the rest 49% app users are female.

(Stat Courtesy: Ipsos)

Keep the target audience in mind while developing the app, understand who uses the app regularly and do not just create an app. Target both male and female users equally as there is equal number of app users. Spending time with your target users is the only way to ensure you really understand what they are looking for in a mobile app. Set up a focus group and as you move through the process, discuss the ideation with this group. Focus group can help you in providing value to your app development.

Fact 3: Apps help you reach household shoppers

81% of app users say they’re the main shopper in their household.

If you are an e-commerce business, make sure you develop an app for your business. Shoppers prefer to shop through their mobile phones more than their desktops. Target your shoppers through an intuitive e-commerce app with an enhanced navigation for a quick shopping experience. Navigation is one of the key points businesses should take care while developing an app. Reason:an e-commerce website has plenty of products from which the customer has to find a particular product.

Also Read: Guidelines To Develop An Intuitive User Interface For Mobile Application

Fact 4: Gamers aren’t who you think they are

52% of gaming app users are women

80% of all gaming app users use gaming apps at least once a day

When a business develops a gaming app, they concentrate on male users. Surprisingly, Ipsos statistics show that 52% gaming app users are female. Rather than presuming that their target audience would be male, they should develop a gaming app for both men and women.

Also Read: Journey and Future of Mobile App Development Market

Fact 5: Apps keep users coming back throughout the day

Less than one hour a day on an average is spent on news, sports, gaming, and entertainment apps collectively.

Apps drive frequent “snacking” behavior with some users coming back to their favorite app 2-3X a day

After the app is developed, businesses have to work on bringing traffic to the app. They also need to figure out how maximum users will spend maximum time on the app. Make users come on your app repeatedly throughout the day so that there are more chances of turning users into customers.

A perfect example of snacking behavior is Candy Crush. After 45 minutes, users get another life,making them want to come back and play the game again. Candy crush sends a push notification to the userswhen their life is refilled.

In such ways, apps can bring users back to their app again and again throughout the day.

Take your business along with market trend


The above-mentioned facts have shown the consumer behavior of people, how and when people like to use apps, what their preference is, and more. Make sure you use these facts and conduct your own research as well before searching for a custom mobile app development company. Also check the type of audience, demographics and the frequency of app usage to decide whether to create a native app or a progressive web app.

Disclaimer: The Blog has been created with consideration and care. We strive to ensure that all information is as complete, correct, comprehensible, accurate and up-to-date as possible. Despite our continuing efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate or up-to-date. We advise - the readers should not take decisions completely based on the information and views shared by FATbit on its blog, readers should do their own research to further assure themselves before taking any commercial decision. The 3rd party trademarks, logos and screenshots of the websites and mobile applications are property of their respective owners, we are not directly associated with most of them.

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