Category : Help to Mitigate Covid-19

Amidst covid-19 pandemic, grocery, elearning and freelancing online businesses are on the rise. People are forced to stay indoors; creating an increase in demand for delivery and online-based services. Resources & articles are rooting for eCommerce marketplaces. In a quest to reach a purposeful end during the drastic economic shift, we have created studies of different web-based business models based on B2B, B2C, P2P, and sharing economy models. These are quite unique and are booming during the present crisis; reshaping how we live and work. Get a quick view of the revenue streams, website features and untapped possibilities to launch e-commerce startups.

Challenges Faced by Educational Institutes or Tutors During COVID 19 _thumbnail
Challenges Faced by Educational Institutes or Tutors During COVID-19 and How To Overcome Them
How to Build a Doctor Consultation Platform – Key Features & Business Model
Top 10 Healthcare Mobile App Development Trends in 2020_thumbnail
Top 10 Healthcare Mobile App Development Trends in 2020
Top Niches For Online Learning & Consultation Business_thumbnail
Best Niches to Start an Online Consultation Business
online learning vs traditional learning - thumbnail
Why Online Learning Platforms are Gaining Popularity Over Traditional Learning
online food delivery platform
How To Create An Online Food Delivery App and Platform? Business Model, Revenue Model & Key Features