A website consists of multiple pages and each page is a combination of different elements and it’s important to analyze the performance of each page to identify loop holes and weak points. This Google analytics report is a standard report with some modifications to give a better idea about on site page performance. This report is useful if you run an online business and wish to find out which page is giving you the maximum benefit and which page needs more re-work. You should access this report to stop relying on your gut feeling and focus on clear numbers to make accurate decisions.
This is how your report will look like:
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To see data for a specific page or type of pages then you can include or exclude pages according to your requirement by using advanced filter option. This feature is very helpful if you wish to segregate main website service pages and blogs to analyze.
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1) Page Views: Page Views gives you the number of times a particular page was viewed. It counts repeat views as well. You can check the unique page views to eliminate repeat views. Pages with fewer views need attention in terms of relevance, online promotion and SEO.
2) Bounce Rate: When a visitor lands on your web page and exits immediately or after some time without visiting any other page, it is called a bounce. Bounce rate is an extremely crucial metrics to look at. According to google there is a proportional relationship between bounce rate and page relevance. Higher bounce rate means the page was not relevant to what visitors were searching. A high bounce rate is a clear indicator that you need to re-work on the existing page.
3) Average visit duration: It gives you the average amount of time visitors spend on your page. If a particular page has a high visit duration that evidently means that it is engaging for your visitors. Average time spent would vary from page to page and also the average time spent would be higher in case of a blog post as compared to your website page.
4) Exit Rate: Exit Rate is based on the number of visitors that leave your website through that particular page. This is irrespective of the number of pages they have browsed on your website before reaching that page. It includes bounce as well as internal-traffic exit. High exit rate from a specific page other than the last page in your conversion funnel is an indicator of re-work.
Also Read: What is Exit and Bounce Rate. Learn how to reduce them to make your website sell more.
1) Page Title / URL: In your report you can modify the primary dimension to see the website page title or the page URL. This column tells you the behavior of a particular page based on a lot of pre- defined metrics.
2) Acquisition – Traffic Source: You can further add a secondary dimension to your existing report and check different sources which bring in the traffic to a particular page and based on this report you can identify which traffic source/Medium gets the most fruitful traffic.
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3) Visitors – age, location, browser etc. (Demographics): You can also add a secondary dimension about the demographic details of your visitors. This report helps you to understand which kind of visitors requires your attention. By adding a column of browser type you can quickly identify the pages which aren’t performing well on specific browsers.
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Thus, scrutinizing and working on the strategic conclusions of this report can bring in better results for your business. But to fully equip yourself to make effective decisions you must stay tuned and read all our blog posts covered under this series on Google analytics reports that you cannot afford to ignore.
While analyzing this report you might come across many exceptions, or suggestions please make use of the comments section to share your thoughts with all of us. Feel free to consult FATbit Experts for a friendly guidance where ever required.
Recommended Reading: Sorry Google Analytics but CrazyEgg and ClickTale are better!
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Disclaimer: The Blog has been created with consideration and care. We strive to ensure that all information is as complete, correct, comprehensible, accurate and up-to-date as possible. Despite our continuing efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate or up-to-date. We advise - the readers should not take decisions completely based on the information and views shared by FATbit on its blog, readers should do their own research to further assure themselves before taking any commercial decision. The 3rd party trademarks, logos and screenshots of the websites and mobile applications are property of their respective owners, we are not directly associated with most of them.
Comments (1)
Patrick M
Hi, I am just setting up my website. And this has been an eye opener. I was relying on Jetpack site stats, which to say the least are not as insightful as what Analytics offers. I also read about Crazyegg and would like to give it a trial to see how it compares.