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- YoDeals - Daily Deals System: Do you offer mobile apps for Android and iOS? Do you have a demo link
Answer: We do not have mobile apps but the system is responsive and fits every screen size perfectly without compromising user experience. ... - Reputation Management: How long the results remain stable if you start working on pushing down negative reviews?
Answer: Online reputation management is a continuous process and the stability results depend on the quality of work done and consistency. We start by posting positive ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: When a customer pays with card, do you provide the ability for splitted payment?
Answer: Splitted Payment or EMI option is handled at Payment Gateway's end here in India (PayU - Payment gateway), system itself does not support Splitted payments. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Do you support vendor review and rating from the customers?
Answer: Buyers can not directly rate or review vendors. Buyers can rate and review different products from a vendor, and the average of all the star ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Do the platform support more than one language? If yes which languages? And also, how
Answer: ... - Reputation Management: How do I know which reputation management package suits me best?
Answer: We have various ORM packages comprises of premium, advanced and expert reputation management packages for small, medium and large sized business .You can choose whichever ... - FATbit Framework: What Is FATbit framework?
Answer: FATbit framework is a PHP-based structured platform with high flexibility to develop custom web apps. FATbit framework uses an in-house encrypted code library, a collection ... - FATbit Framework: What is the purpose of an in-house code library?
Answer: An in-house code library can quicken the development, while also ensuring the robustness of the system. It also makes the overall process less prone to ... - FATbit Framework: What Is Partially Encrypted Code?
Answer: It means that our code is mostly editable and allows client-end developers to make the necessary changes in the website that it requires over the ... - FATbit Framework: Is FATbit Framework Secure?
Answer: FATbit Framework is developed, maintained, & updated by our technical team head and no other member has direct access to code library. The development team ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: What information is required from my side after placing the order?
Answer: After placing the order you are required to email us the following info at [email protected] and [email protected]:1. Domain Name where you wish to install the ... - FATbit Framework: Can other programmers build more features into the website using the framework documentation?
Answer: Yes, once your programmers become familiar with our framework, they can easily extend the system built using our code library with new features & modify ... - FATbit Framework: Can I see sample of the framework documentation?
Answer: Definitely, here is the example of a function in the ‘Form’ class of our code library: method addDateField FormField addDateField( String $field_caption, String $name, [String $value = ''], ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How to add categories?
Answer: You can add categories at ..../manager/deal-categories.php. There is a green color button named "Add New Category" at the right bottom of the screen. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How to add "Featured Deals Categories" on the homepage?
Answer: Deal categories can be marked featured adding or editing a deal category under url You can edit or add deal category and can mark it ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How to change the header image and also how to edit and remove “Latest Products”?
Answer: You can edit or delete a banner image for products from banners management section at url: Regarding latest products listing, system display products which are ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How to remove or delete merchant under Admin account?
Answer: There is a delete button under merchant/companies section from where admin can delete desired merchant/company. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How to remove deals in Admin?
Answer: Deals can be marked cancelled from their active state, all all completed orders related to those particular deals refunded to buyer wallet. Status for cancelled ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How can I add and remove “Top Vendors” on the Homepage?
Answer: The vendors listed on home page of demo site are those vendors or merchants, whose sales count is maximum based on the purchased by the ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How to add and remove language “Spanish”?
Answer: There is no provision to add a new language. Existing two language versions can only be switched on/off but no language can be deleted. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: After rejecting the deals I still cannot remove the merchant if the deal is still
Answer: Merchants can be deleted from …./manager/companies.php ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How to change or remove the default banner on the homepage (present on demo system)?
Answer: This banner is a default banner of type: Offer, admin can upload any offer then it will be removed. Here is a url: ……/manager/banner.php?add=new ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How to make Facebook login work?
Answer: You will need to configure/setup Facebook API page under your Facebook account. Following are the steps: Step1: You will need to open this link with your Facebook ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How will I know the number of deals does the Merchant published?
Answer: Deals can be searched based on Merchant/Company. ……./manager/deals.php?status=active - Search box: Select company dropdown - Admin can search a particular merchant/company. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: Why there is NO transaction History record in Merchant Account Area?
Answer: Merchant can view sales on a particular deal from deal/product listing section, by searching a list of deals/products which are added by that particular merchant. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: On deal detail page, count of purchase should have 1 transaction here but it says
Answer: It was displaying 0 purchased because order was still in pending state. Once its payment via paypal is confirmed and its status is marked successful ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: Under my Vouchers (registered user account area) – Recently order status is coming pending
Answer: Once order is marked successful from Paypal, then its status will be changed to purchased. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: I am unable to add credit card. How to add it?
Answer: Please configure CIM and keys and IDs under payment settings in manager area, add credit card option will work automatically. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: My HTTPS settings are not yet done. How to do it?
Answer: For https:// you will need to purchase SSL certificate from any third party provider like Godaddy, GeoTrust etc.. They will send you certificate files then ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: What is deal wise transaction?
Answer: Deal wise transactions are basically the list of transactions on a particular deal. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: What do you mean by Instant deals?
Answer: Instant deals are the deals, which if you buy using CIM payment method, the cart amount will be Authorized only and may be captured by ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: What is tipping point?
Answer: Tipping point: Tipping point is basically, the minimum purchase limit set on each deal by merchant or manager. Let’s say a tipping point set on ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How do you change the red on the footer?
Answer: There is no provision to change the color of the theme in the back - end. If you want we can change it through the css ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How do you change the words in the header and photo?
Answer: You can change the same through language management sub option in the CMS section on the back - end of the application. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: I need to install some sub-domains for testing purpose, for example:
Answer: Wild card Sub-Domain license gives you the privilege to customize the URL of your Sellers' stores. For e.g. your website domain is then your seller A ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: What kind of PHP support should I use among the following options?
Answer: Apache Support ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: Should I put 777 to contained files too or JUST only to directories?
Answer: Please do 777 for directories and contained directories only. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: Does /database.bak/ not exist?
Answer: This directory is for database backup and restore functionality, which you can be accessed from admin area under database backup and restore option under settings. For ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: Please advise if there is any way to upload the products using bulk upload csv
Answer: We do not have this provision in the default copy of Yo!Deals product that you have bought. If you want to get this done then ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: If I decide to run this platform on a different url what would be the
Answer: If the platform is currently working on and you want to change it to, it can be easily done but if you want ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: Is there a way to delete all countries except United States and also remove all
Answer: Please go to Settings >> Country Management >> Delete the countries individually, all the cities and states associated with the country will also be deleted. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How to change the home page images?
Answer: The images which are on the home page are static and are not manageable from the admin section. You can change these images from the code ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: On Email Templates and website footer, Can we do this?
"© 2015, YoDeals. All Rights Reserved.".
Answer: You can change the same in the language management section under settings and type copyright in the search box. You will see a label that ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: What are deal bucks?
Answer: Deal Bucks work just like cash for any YoDeals purchase (except gift cards). If you have them, they're automatically applied to your next YoDeals purchase. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: Want to earn more deal bucks? What is it?
Answer: Invite to join YoDeals or purchase lots of deals - we've been known to treat our top customers with Deal Bucks rewards. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How can I change the time zone (Admin area)?
Answer: Go to Settings >> General Settings >> Scroll down to change the time zone of the system according to you. ... - YoDeals - Daily Deals System: How can I change the content on different pages like FAQs, Terms, About Us, Privacy,
Answer: Go to CMS >> Pages >> You can edit pages from here ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Are payments automatically made to suppliers at the point of purchase or do I as
Answer: In our system all the payments come directly to the Admin account (Marketplace owner) and then you can transfer the money manually to the vendor ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Does the partially encrypted start up site mean that payments aren't secure?
Answer: No, partially encrypted does not mean that payments are unsecure. Our system use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). It provides a secure connection between internet browsers ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Could you also confirm that I'll be able to add forms as a separate page?
Answer: Our system currently does not have option to build forms for gathering more info from Suppliers but we can build this feature into our system ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: How are product categories registered? By the vendors or by the admin?
Answer: By Admin, we are continuously upgrading our system, soon we will have feature in vendor login to request for new category/brand etc. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Is it possible to add analytics and visitor tracking code on the start up site
Answer: Yes, Is it possible to add analytics and visitor tracking code with Go Quick package. ... - General Terms and Queries: License, copyright and ownership terms
Answer: FATbit offers different engagement models and clients get rights accordingly. Work Made For Hire/Exclusive Rights: Client can hire FATbit under ‘Work Made For Hire’ ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Is the system compatible with Infusion soft?
Answer: No, as of now our system is not compatible with Infusion soft, we can study this tool and integrate @ $15 USD/ hour. As informed ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Could you confirm where the YoKart signature will appear on the site for the start
Answer: YoKart signature will be present at the bottom of the page in the footer section. YoKart signature is present only in startup version. Click on Enlarge ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Will I be able to add Java script to the description?
Answer: No JavaScript cannot be added in the description. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: I would like to be able to charge a commission or flat monthly fee? Both
Answer: ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Will I be able to fully customize the site to my preference? Can I change
Answer: Yes, it will have your logo on the top and you can change the categories however, you cannot customize the start-up package functionality wise. Also, ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Would I be able to upgrade the Startup package?
Answer: Yes, you can upgrade the system with-in or after 1 year but we cannot guarantee the $999.00 USD price. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Is the $250 a yearly fee? Will I be able to use my own domain?
Answer: ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: If my domain is with Go Daddy, how does that work in case of Startup
Answer: No problem with that we are providing you the hosting services for 1st year irrespective of the domain provider. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: In the future would I be able to charge a subscription to the users?
Answer: Yes, in future you will be able to charge a subscription to the user. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Do I have access to the Database?
Answer: In GoQuick and GoCustom package, we set up the system on your server and hence you will have access to complete source code (partially encrypted) ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Can I create custom product fields that relate to my product?
Answer: As of now our system does not allow to create custom product fields. We can customize it as per your requirements, if required. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Can I manipulate the Checkout to only accept ACH Payments?
Answer: ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: What web language are you using to program?
Answer: ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Can we manage multi language?
Answer: Yo! Kart supports only a Single language (LTR) at one time. In addition to this, admin has a provision at the back-end to regionalize the website ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: How does Transfer to Bank payment option works?
Answer: ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Is the option "SEO ready pages" include?
Answer: Yes, "SEO ready pages" option is included. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Can you confirm that the website will be under our own URL with the "Go
Answer: Yes, you will be having you own license for both Go quick and Go Custom package respectively such that we will be setting up a ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Can we import product, price and picture directly from an excel files?
Answer: Yes, the provision to import products from other eCommerce solution is available in our system. Learn more: ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Do you have social network (Facebook / twitter) already integrated?
Answer: For login section, we have provided the following options: Login with Facebook Login with Google+ On product details page we have provided an option to share the product ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Can we manage the shipment pricing? For example: one client take 4 products from one
Answer: As per the above scenario, we will calculate the shipping charges of all products (Product1+Product2+Product3+Product4) ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Can you confirm that the price of 5,999 USD include all the changes that we
Answer: Under our Go Custom package ($5,999) we will custom design the system as per your requirements and deliver it to you. It would be one ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: What is the default design of the "Go quick" license?
Answer: To check-out the default design of our multi-vendor system please visit the below URL: ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: How does it work for the payment of the final client?
Answer: To accept online payments you need to sign up for a payment gateway/merchant account with PayPal,, CC Avenue, Pay U, Khipu, Amazon Payments, Paytm, ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Do you think you will develop a system that can manage other e-commerce system import?
Answer: We have bulk data import and export feature on YoKart now. Learn More ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Is domain registration and hosting included in these packages?
Answer: As of now, we do not provide domain registration services and you will get a hosting solution with our Start-up package ($250) only. For more details about ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Please mention other mode of payments excluding PayPal and CC.
Answer: Other than the mentioned options, our system supports the following payment modes: Payment Gateways: and PayU, Bank Transfer. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: What is the cost of regular technical support?
Answer: We offer 12 Months FREE Technical support for any kind of Bugs/Errors found in our system, provided that there isn’t any kind of modification done ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Which language and database is your software created with, have you created it by yourself
Answer: We have developed our system leveraging below technologies: Server Side Scripting: PHP 5.4+ Client Side Scripting: JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery Database: MySQL 5.6+ OS: Linux Web ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: I am thinking of using Amazon Web Services to host the site, will you be
Answer: Yes, we can install our Multi-Vendor system on to Amazon Web Server as well. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Can you describe the payment process please: If a customer pays £100, site commission is
Answer: As per our existing model, the website Admin has to bear PayPal transaction charges such that, if Customer pays £100 Admin/Site Commission: 15% PayPal transaction ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Can I use another payment gateway besides PayPal? I don’t have a problem with launching
Answer: Yes, we can add other payment gateways in our system. By default we will provide you PayPal, and PayU as payment gateways for your ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Do you release regular updates to improve the functionality of the site? Will you be
Answer: Yes, we release regular updates to improve the functionality of the system. We will let you know about the future upgrades and if you are ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: What is Wildcard Sub-Domain License and What are the benefits?
Answer: Visit: ... - General Terms and Queries: How to do a wire transfer?
Answer: There are two options to do a wire transfer: Visit your bank and share the provided invoice. Your bank will ask a few details to verify ... - Growcer- Multivendor Grocery Marketplace Software: Will you arrange some Knowledge Transfer sessions to understand the product better?
Answer: We will provide user manual document to understand the system. ... - Growcer- Multivendor Grocery Marketplace Software: Who will manage the domain name and hosting?
Answer: Once you will purchase any of the packages, you will need to share the domain name and cpanel details with us and we will install the system ... - Growcer- Multivendor Grocery Marketplace Software: Do you give us the full product with source code, database scripts etc.?
Answer: We will provide you the complete product with full source code, database. ... - Growcer- Multivendor Grocery Marketplace Software: Do you give us the full product with source code, database scripts etc.?
Answer: We will provide you the complete product with full source code (without framework), database. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: At launch I am planning to discount my initial commission for vendors who sign up
Answer: Yes, you can setup the commision vendor, category and product wise. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Can I use my own domain/URL with this package? If not, I can have
Answer: You have to use your domain however, hosting service will be provided by us for 1 Year, after that you need to upgrade the package ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: If I decide to purchase after the year is over, do you still host or
Answer: ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: I understand that I will not have any access to any of the data (vendor
Answer: Under Startup package their is no option to transfer the data to another system however, you can upgrade to owned license packages and we will ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Do you charge any other fees like commission, insertion fees or transaction fees or anything
Answer: No, there will be a flat fee as per the package bought. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: How do the buyer payments work? Would that be processed through my PayPal/bank account
Answer: When buyer makes the payment it is processed via the payment gateway you have signed up with and money is transferred to your merchant account. ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Is there a way for vendors to create their own account from the home page
Answer: Vendor can create their own account. They have a shop page with listing of their products and will be able to easily update their Shop ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: What is your customer service like? Is it 24 hours a day? Is
Answer: If you choose to work with us, we will create your account in our Project Management System, through which you will be in touch with ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: Is accepting Bitcoin an option? What about multiple currencies? Can you walk me
Answer: As of now, system does not support Bitcoin, supported payment gateways are PayPal,, CC Avenue, Pay U, Khipu, Amazon Payments, Paytm, Razorpay, Citrus, Stripe, 2Checkout ... - YoKart - Multivendor eCommerce System: What are the hosting server requirements to setup Yo!Kart system?
Answer: View Server Requirements ...
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