Server requirements for FATbit products

Supported Operating Systems:

Linux x86, x86-64

Supported Web Servers:

Apache 2.2.x – Apache 2.4.x

Nginx - 1.14.x

PHP Compatibility:

5.6 /7.x

7.3 /7.4 (for Yo!Kart)

Required Extensions

  1. GD with Free Font support
  2. Zlib with zip support
  3. DOM
  4. Mbstring should be enabled
  5. Iconv function should be enabled
  6. Fileinfo function should be enabled
  7. Ioncube Loader
  8. JSON
  9. cURL function should be enabled
  10. Calendar function should be enabled
  11. PHP Composer should be installed

- Safe mode off

- Memory limit 32M or more (Some pages with advanced feature may use upto 128M)

- Git should be installed on server for script deployment and version controlling


5.6 or newer

PHPmyAdmin variable - SQL_mode, must have value "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" only 

Server Hosting setup

Ability to run scheduled jobs (crontab) with PHP

Compatible Web Hosting

- Virtual Private Server (VPS)

- Dedicated Servers

- Cloud Server

Note:  AWS Free Tier Instance  (EC2.micro) is for checking the functionality of the website/solution being delivered, we recommend upgrading to T2.medium or T2.large before you start marketing your business. Upgrading AWS hosting instance costs only a fraction of the amount compared to the marketing costs and other direct/indirect costs involved in performance optimization of the solution to run on EC2.micro instance.

Note: These server requirements are not applicable for YoDeals (Local deals marketplace builder)

Last update:
2021-03-19 10:08
FATbit Chef
Average rating: 3.67 (3 Votes)

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